Keep up with the Eagles Rock My School diary, updated by co-ordinator Kim Hannah with support from forward Brad Smith.

Cloverdale PS: Mr Wright and the students of Cloverdale appeared really keen on their footy and the students participated enthusiastically in questions for prizes. It showed a broad degree of knowledge. Rick was impressed enough to delay his nap for 30 minutes, something he would never normally do!

Guildford Grammar School: we had a fantastic time at GGS. The kids were polite and attentive but had a lot of fun when the time for competitions began! With a lot of new building and re-development going on at the school, it was reassuring to see the old buildings still looking majestic. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and were spoilt by a couple of student leaders who looked after us along with Mr Scrimshaw.

Riverlands: this is a beautiful new school adjacent to Whiteman Park with plenty of trees to make things feel peaceful. To add to the nice feel of the school, I found some friends that I hadn’t seen for a time. It was terrific to catch up. All of the students and staff were extremely friendly. The school won a BHP award for their contribution to the process of reconciliation. I can see why.

Cannington Community College: I got into my car and headed down to Cannington where I organised Rick ‘the Rock’ our mascot to fly and meet me there. He seemed to get lost but heard the loud shout of ‘GO EAGLES’ from the students, teachers and even the parents who showed up. A very enthusiastic school with vast cultural backgrounds made it even more interesting to pass on football knowledge and awesome prizes.

Hainsworth PS: Well we travelled out to Girrawheen where we did 33 ‘bog’ laps trying to find the place. Rick ‘The Rock’ even had trouble finding the place from his ‘bird’s eye’ view. The school welcomed us with open arms and three of the kids enjoyed it that much that they burst in to tears of laughter. Thanks for having Rick and myself.

Holy Name School: Ms Bennett and the kids showed patience when we got slightly lost and still welcomed us warmly upon arrival. Some amazing listening skills were displayed and we found some keen West Coast supporters amongst staff and students. Rick put up a bold showing in the arm wrestle…but lost. And his dancing can be a bit bizarre these days!

East Victoria Park PS: it was all good news at E. Vic. Park PS. We had things really well set up for us and found a willing group of listeners at our disposal. Rick looked to be in peak condition for the challenges ahead, but fell just short of his target. But you have to admire his continuing effort – in the same way we admired our audience.

Lockridge PS: just when you think things are perfect, they get better! The first heavy rain for ages was good news. But the school undercover was flooded which was bad news. Luckily there was a second undercover area available which was good news…and it only got better! We had a lot of laughs with the kids and really enjoyed our visit.

Forrestdale PS: Ms Rotondella gave a nice, warm undercover area to use…and it was a very cold breeze that made that facility most welcome. The students displayed warm attitudes and the staff had a laugh at Rick’s antics. I think he is getting worse.

Willandra PS: there were some pretty well informed footy experts here – both kids and staff. Rick got a tour of the school with Ted, Willandra’s resident bear who gives out hugs to ensure that all kids feel safe. At first Ted and Rick looked likely to face off in a play fight but were great mates and brought smiles to many faces.

Christ Our Holy Redeemer: now here was a real change for me – an appearance at a school in Oakleigh, Victoria! When I turned up in my Eagles gear I thought I might get lynched. But instead I found a great group of kids who just love their footy and sport. When I asked, “Who barracks for the Eagles?” about three polite hands went up…bless them. But by the end a few more were won over…or so I believe. Thanks to Mr Noonan for inviting me to his school and to the kids and staff who made my visit worthwhile. The Year 1 / 2 teacher was lovely (my daughter!).

Sawyer’s Valley PS: back in WA and everything was rosy at SVPS. Ms Kimber, the staff and kids displayed real enthusiasm for all things Eagles. The cheering inspired Rick to a classic performance. You can see when he enjoys himself.

Mundaring Christian College: Mr O’Brien moved things around at short notice to fit us in – something we were most grateful for. In addition to being knowledgeable students, we also found some deft skills in the group. It was a pleasure to catch up with everyone at MCC.

Our Lady of Lourdes: This school really knew their footy. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the students knew the answers to my questions that were pretty challenging. One little boy got that excited he ‘plucked’ a feather from Rick ‘the Rock’. Rick wasn’t all that happy so he challenged him to an arm wrestle…but got beaten yet again. Never mind, the two shook hands as I re-enforced the benefits of sport being the ‘3 Fs’- FUN, FITNESS and FRIENDS.

Highgate PS: What an excitable school! The students were excited, the teachers and even the parents. Rick arrived late to the school but made up for it by ‘dancing up a storm’ in front of an enthusiastic and entertained audience. I had to mention to Rick about being on time and cleaning his feathers every day. Thanks for having us, Highgate.

Collier PS: This school really knew their football. They also were very ‘switched on’ on as to why sport is so good. The boys and girls really gave me a wide range of reasons why people play sport. Being healthy was a common answer, as well as keeping fit, being active, making friends, and one boy even said to ‘be rich!’ Had to remind him that all my team-mates play sport because they love it and because of the ‘3 Fs’. Thanks, Collier.

South Lake PS: Had to remind Mr Ganza about handing the Whoppers from Hungry Jack’s to the students as I heard he has quite an appetite for burgers. I am sure the students will remind him. Rick told the students that he was so impressed about how the school was ‘litter free’. Well done Southlake on keeping your school very neat and tidy!

Curtin PS: We went down to Curtin Primary in the afternoon and made the mistake of saying “good morning boys and girls”, instead of “good afternoon…” Anyway, the children responded correctly. The little Eagles footy stress balls were very popular and the teachers and students couldn’t agree on who deserved them more… so I let them have a contest. Who can sing the West Coast Eagles theme song the best? The answer: the students.