The Eagles Rock My School program begins its fourth year of operation in 2007. Program stalwarts David Hynes and Kim Hannah are joined this year by Brad Smith. But of course the program is the brain-child of team mascot, Rick ‘The Rock’ Eagle. He rules his fellow “staffers” with a fair but iron talon!

Since its inception in 2004, ERMS has reached nearly 600 schools, spread across the length and breadth of WA (and even branched into Victoria and New South Wales). With its messages of sportsmanship, healthy living, the cultural significance of football in our society and positive attitudes to school, the program has been embraced by staff and students alike. Schools are left activity booklets to use in class and a signed football to assist in school fundraising ventures. The other major attraction of the Eagles Rock My School is that is FREE to all participating schools.

Eagles Rock My School continues the strong involvement of the West Coast Eagles in community programs. WE are looking forward to a fantastic 2007, but beware… Rick has been in heavy training!