Name: Darryn Bowden

Club: Shanghai Eagles
Position: Back line - mainly
What brought you to China? Change of scenery/culture and new challenge. Job opportunities.

Why did you want to become involved with Shanghai Eagles? To get a little taste of home.
What is your relationship like with your Shanghai Eagles teammates? Good, but I don’t know everyone well, I haven’t been there very long.
What do your friends/family abroad think of AFL? They don’t really follow it, we are league followers.
Which AFL team do you follow? Sydney Swans
If you could recruit one AFL star to play with the Shanghai Eagles who would it be and why? Barry Hall, he would provide some solid front line aggression.
If you could invite one AFL coach to dinner who would it be? Paul Roos.  

Do you see interest in AFL and involvement in Shanghai Eagles growing in the future? It could with good recruiting and getting the name/sport out to the locals and other expats.
How is playing in Australia different to playing in China? The field here is a lot smaller, it makes it easier to get from one end to the other! 
What are you expecting for season 2010? Improved fitness and a some good sporting times.