Thanks to the generosity of West Coast Eagles fans, the 2011 Eagles in the Community raffle has once again raised important funds for grassroots football.

Eagles members and supporters have helped the club provide over $1,700,000 in the last six years to help fund junior football development programs in Western Australia.

With prizes like a car and holiday package, $15,000 in cash and a once-in-a-lifetime grand final experience up for grabs, the annual raffle always attracts huge support and this year was no different.

West Coast Eagles staff had to use their detective skills to track down first prize-winner, Catherine Brough, who listed a disconnected phone number on the winning raffle ticket.

The lucky winner received a shock when she found out she’d won a car and holiday package worth $50,000, thanks to Toyota WA and Travel and Sports Australia.

Funds raised in the 2011 Eagles in the Community raffle will directly assist West Coast Eagles community programs including Eagles Rock My School, Eagles Cup and Eagles Faction Footy.

The winning raffle tickets for the 2011 Eagles in the Community raffle are:

PrizeItemValueProvided by
FirstCar and holiday package: 062253


Toyota WA/Travel and Sports Australia
SecondCash: 102739


West Coast Eagles
Third$10,000 Retravision voucher: 081905


Fourth2012 grand final experience for two including: flights, accommodation in Melbourne, tickets to the official West Coast Eagles Grand Final Eve Dinner, tickets to the 2012 grand final: 073405


West Coast Eagles
FifthWatch the West Coast Eagles in style with a corporate box for you and seven friends, catering worth $1000: 023503


West Coast Eagles
SixthWatch the West Coast Eagles in 2012 with two premium seats for all home games in the 2012 home and away season: 073460


West Coast Eagles
SeventhSigned Sherrin football by the entire team including a message of your choice from your favourite players: 101243


West Coast Eagles
EighthNight of glamour, including two tickets to the West Coast Eagles Club Champion Awards: 087341    


West Coast Eagles
Book buyer's prize$3000 Stratco voucher: 103576


Early bird prizeMark LeCras signed and framed dirty guernsey: 016787


West Coast Eagles

Catherine receives the keys to her new car from Toyota's Adam Song.