The West Coast Eagles would like to thank all of their generous members and fans who supported the Medibank Coats For A Cause at Saturday’s match against the Gold Coast Suns.

More than 6,000 coats, jackets, scarves and beanies were donated to assist Western Australians in need this winter.

The West Coast Eagles and Medibank will be directing all items to Charity Link, an organisation which aims to make a difference to thousands of disadvantaged Western Australians experiencing financial hardship or crisis.
A big thank you also goes to past West Coast Eagles players Don Pyke, Michael Brennan, Tony Evans, Paul Peos, Mitchell White, Rowan Jones, Chris Waterman, Dwayne Lamb, Ashley McIntosh and Adrian Barich, who threw their support behind Coats For A Cause and were positioned around Patersons Stadium during the match to receive donations.

Former West Coast defender and dual premiership player Don Pyke says the day was a huge success.

“We have a truck full of collections from the game which Charity Link will distribute to various charity groups,” said Pyke.

“Our aim was simply about raising awareness and collecting enough clothing to help those in need this winter, so the day was a great success.

“It was fantastic for us, as past players, to be able to support the wider community and interact with the members and supporters who clearly have fond memories of the past success of our club.

"I think we all went away from Saturday with a good feeling after having been a part of something that has made a difference,” he added.

Once again, the West Coast Eagles would like to thank all of our generous fans who made the Medibank Coats For A Cause a huge success.