The Kicking Goals team set off for the Jigalong community last week, taking with them the program’s positive messages of the importance of education and healthy lifestyle.

West Coast community development officer David Hynes and rookie Beau Wilkes were joined on their adventure by program co-ordinator, Chris Lewis and Rod Willett from Kicks 4 Kidz, as well as indigenous sports development officer Greg Regan and Allan Ewen from BHP Billiton Iron Ore.

The party was greeted by students and community members of Jigalong, many dressed in West Coast colours, all showing their enthusiasm for football and the anticipated visitors. The group was rewarded by excellent attendance numbers for the day, and rare appearances by many students who had not been sighted at school for some time.

A show-and-tell session kicked off the day’s activities and a ten-foot python, caught earlier that morning in a nearby house, was produced by an eager young snake handler who was affectionately dubbed “Snake Boy”. Wilkes was encouraged to get up close and personal with the python and the brave defender showed no hesitation in taking up the challenge to the delight of his onlookers.

Participants then gathered in the library to hear from Hynes, Lewis and Wilkes about the importance of attitude and involvement in creating a positive environment and future for both themselves and their community. These messages were then reinforced during several activities, including dodge ball and fun with bump bags.

“The way these kids interconnect and naturally flow is amazing,” Hynes commented after watching children of all ages work together during dodge ball. “It works and fits with consummate ease at Jigalong.

“The kids loved the bump bags as well, which we use to hone the skills of elite AFL footballers in combat. They’d go in to bump Beau, then take a screamer over me and slot the ball through a handball target. Some kids couldn’t resist getting the bump bags out again over lunch for more attempts at the world’s greatest mark.”

Directly after a lunch provided by BHP Billiton Iron Ore, football equipment courtesy of Kicks 4 Kidz was handed out by Lewis and Wilkes, rewarding children with good attendance records at school, as well as those who had improved in attitude or succeeded in particular tasks.

Ewen then addressed the group on the importance of education, linking it to the varied opportunities available in the BHP work force.

“A great analogy was used,” explains Hynes. “It was about ants on a stick floating down a river, walking up and down on the same stick with no opportunities to expand into different territories. Allan said, ‘Don’t be an ant on that stick’. In other words, get an education and expand your world and opportunities by expanding your knowledge.”

Down to Jigalong oval; a bare and grassless but level ground. Players of all sizes and skills filled the arena with their newly acquired sporting equipment and the big football game commenced.

“Skill, pace and contests filled the vast, dusty space and the great game of footy was a terrific way to finish off the day’s activities,” said Hynes.

The party left the community after a final word and some friendly goodbyes, satisfied with the truly rewarding day Jigalong, aimed at increasing attendance from the students and creating a culture of education in the community. Special thanks go to Jigalong for allowing the visit, as well as BHP Billiton Iron Ore, Swan Districts Football Club and Kicks 4 Kidz for their generous support of the Kicking Goals program.