Today at the offices of the West Coast Eagles, club CEO Trevor Nisbett drew the names of two teachers who had been responsible for involving their schools in the Eagles Rock My School (ERMS) program in Term One.

The prize winners were drawn from a pool of teachers who had responded to surveys left at schools after West Coast Eagles visits. The winners were:

Jim Cassin of Mount Helena Primary School
John De Antoni of Gosnells Primary School

Jim receives a guernsey signed by the 2007 WCE squad, while John wins a cap signed by Brownlow Medallists Chris Judd and Ben Cousins.

ERMS co-ordinator, Kim Hannah, said that he was thrilled that two teachers with such a commitment to football within their school were the recipients of the prize draw.

“So many other teachers do fantastic work in their schools and any number could be worthy winners of the prizes on offer,” he said.

During Semester One, ERMS has visited in excess of 130 schools with another 50 already booked for the second half of the year.

This, combined with other programs run by the club such as the Eagles Cup, Faction Footy and Kicking Goals showed clearly the commitment undertaken to education by the football club.

“Teachers within WA provide a fantastic amount of support to football,” Hannah continued. “It’s really great to see so many take on the responsibility of promoting our great game within their schools.”

A further draw will be held near the end of Semester Two for similar prizes.