Eagles Rock My School co-ordinator Kim Hannah talks about the group’s recent round of visits.

Holy Rosary: Every student was seated, ready and waiting for us…or was it the joke telling competition that held the children’s attention? Either way, the students were to be commended for their excellent listening skills and the great support they showed the West Coast Eagles. It was a pleasure to be part of Holy Rosary’s morning.

North Beach PS: We were really impressed by the friendliness of the NBPS kids as we arrived and spent time chatting to heaps of kids – including some fun loving Year 7s who were keen to get a few hints on the questions that were asked! This sense of good fun and enthusiasm continued throughout our visit. It was fantastic.

Whitford Catholic PS: I returned to very familiar soil at WCPS. It was just sensational to be back in a school I enjoyed so much. Mr Gammon and the kids made sure that Rick and I wanted to return again…and soon.

Connolly PS: Is this school named after Dockers coach Chris? No it’s not! And I was extremely happy to visit with some Eagles fun to be had. Mr Milne and the kids were a treat to meet and a good time was had by all.

St Anthony’s (Wanneroo): Late on a Friday afternoon the kids still had tons of energy and good spirits. Their attitude gave Rick a lift as well and he put on a classic exhibition of dancing and jigging. We had a wonderful time. Thanks to Mrs Shakespeare.

Falcon PS: We had recently presented the Eagles Cup for their zone FPS and were pleased to return to try to rock their school. There were some very keen footballers in attendance and their knowledge of the game was most impressive. Thank you to Mr Coles and the staff who accommodated our return.

Dawesville Catholic: As a fledgling school surrounded by bush, DCPS is certainly a school on the move. With clearing of land and building on the go, you can certainly see a big school growing here one day. The ‘pioneer’ students were fantastic kids who will show the rest of the school how to do everything right. And the uniform (blue and gold) looked great! Thanks, Mr Dowie.

Singleton PS: We concluded our day in the Peel region with yet another sensational school. Football is something of a way of life here and the kids of Singleton really lived up to this notion. Their knowledge and endeavour in all areas of our great game were highly visible. Thanks to Mr Gardner and staff at SPS.

Pioneer Village PS: Rick really liked the rustic setting of a school so close to Perth and had a wonderful time (despite tripping over some kerbing). Whilst the wind was chilly, the school and all those in it were warm and welcoming. This well organised visit was a pleasure for us.

Gwynne Park PS: We continued our visit to Armadale by dropping in on GPPS. Many good things were happening within the school and we were pleased to make our contribution. Rick enjoyed himself, too. You could tell by the smile on his face and the level of excitement he achieved when asked to dance!

Neerigen Brook PS: Ashley Sampi is an ex-student of NBPS and one could sense the line of talent continued right up to the present day. All was positive and we had a few laughs along the way (as did some of the staff). It was a great way to finish the day.

Chrysallis Montessori School: We found out a little about the Montessori ethos before our talk. It is always nice to expand your knowledge. Tony and the kids gave us a wonderful session and we loved every minute of our time and look forward to our next opportunity to say hi.

Our Lady of Grace: Mr Brown and the kids know how to make you feel welcome! After the talk, most of the school attended the coaching session on the oval to cheer on Brad Smith and the student participants. It was like an AFL game, according to Brad! It was a fantastic initiative and very much enjoyed.

Quairading DHS: The first of nine schools in the Wheatbelt set a very high standard for the rest to follow. Mr Collis and his students looked after us really well. We brought rain with us (much appreciated in this part of the world) and we even managed to complete our coaching clinic before the rain began. Perfect organisation really!

Corrigin DHS: CDHS start spring with a “Swing Into Spring” day and invite Yealering and Babakin PS to join them. We were happy to be part of this celebration. But the weather meant it was more of a “Swim Into Spring” day!! Still, we had a lot of fun and were joined by the high school kids at our talk and clinics. Ms Crossland did a great job in holding things together and we certainly enjoyed our part in the day.

Kulin DHS: Things continued to look ominous in the morning but we had a warm library to speak in and lovely big covered area to conduct our clinic. Nothing was going to stand in the way of this enthusiastic group! Thanks to Mr Milne and Ms Steere for looking after us.

Kondinin PS: Mr Morgan was our original contact for this visit. He is very keen to have people visit his school. And it was a fantastic visit! We were talking footy with the kids before we even got through the front gate. This kind of enthusiasm is infectious and we had a ball.

Hyden PS: The end of day two of our trip was sensational. We loved the way the kids joined into everything with such energy and enthusiasm. There were some very gifted sportspeople at HPS. Mrs Ditchburn and the rest of the staff and students looked after us very well indeed. We finished off the day with a visit to Wave Rock – a very worthwhile detour.

Narembeen DHS: There was so much activity at NDHS you didn’t know were to look next! The two Mr Stewarts keep the kids busy. Rick looked exhausted after trying to arm wrestle a couple of well-toned kids! We had great fun and loved the energy levels of the kids and their friendly ways.

Bruce Rock DHS: Ex-West Coast Eagle David Hart is an old Bruce Rock boy. He always told us that ‘the Rock’ was a great place. For once in his life he was right! We enjoyed our visit enormously, especially Rick. He liked the fact that he and the town had ‘the Rock’ in common!

Kinross College: Back in Perth we started with a terrific group of kids. Their knowledge and interest was clearly evident. Rick was a little tired after his flight to and from the Wheatbelt and succumbed in the arm wrestle. But he never stops trying.

Newborough PS: NPS boasts Tyson Stenglein and Chad Fletcher as former students. If Mrs Williams, Mr Sherborne and Mrs Eicke have their way, there will be plenty of future Eagles stars at the school as well. In a role reversal, after our talk we lucky enough to view an assembly item that projected into the future to see the first of ‘many derby grand finals.’ It was brilliantly done and we were thrilled to be able to watch.