Twelve Western Australians have been invited to take part, including 19-year-old Mitch McGovern, the younger brother of Eagle Jeremy.
West Coast's team, headed by national recruiting manager Rohan O'Brien, is looking forward to a big day as the players are put through their paces.
The prospects will undergo an indepth evaluation, being assessed on their speed, agility, endurance and football skills.
Tests include the standing vertical jump, running vertical jump, beep test, 20m sprint, agility run, 3km time trial and 30m repeat sprints.
Potential draftees will also undergo medical and psychological testing.
AFL national talent manager Kevin Sheehan said the combine was an important opportunity for clubs to assess the talent on offer before this year's draft.
“With the NAB All Stars match on Saturday being the final match around Australia for players to showcase their playing ability, it is now down to the analysis of the physical abilities and personalities at the Draft Combine,” Sheehan said.
“The next week will be a up close and very personal look for a player’s ‘X’ factor or competitive advantage which could help him become a draftee.
“Over 150 recruiting staff will observe the players’ every move over the next four days.”
The combine will conclude on Friday, October 3.
West Coast currently holds selections 19, 30 and 48 in the national draft, which will be held on the Gold Coast on November 27.