THE West Coast Eagles are off to Narrogin for their Telstra AFL Community Camp on Monday and Tuesday, taking footy to the bush.

A range of activities are planned, including a 90-minute training session, community visits and footy forums.

“I love the community camps, because, being from the country myself, it’s good to see the kids' eyes light up when you come and take training with them, or go and visit their schools and that sort of stuff, because they don’t get to experience that often,” ruckman Mark Seaby said.

“It’s a really worthwhile time and I think the boys have a good time and enjoy putting back into the community.

“I think it’s very important to do – we could be there for one day and I think they’d still love it, so no matter how long you’re there for, they just soak it up.

“I’m sure they’re very appreciative and I’m pretty sure it makes most of those kids' years, having an AFL team come into town, so I think it’s great to do.”

Matt Rosa, a country boy recruited from North Ballarat, was of a similar mindset.

“It should be good – we’re really looking forward to getting out there, and I’m sure Narrogin will be looking forward to it, so we can’t wait,” he said.

The 21-year-old said he would have loved a team to visit his school when he was growing up, but it didn’t happen.

“Never a whole team – I was three-and-a-half hours from Melbourne, so we were lucky to get two or three players a year, so I know if a whole team was coming to my town how much I’d love it.”