This afternoon welcomed the first nine graduates of the David Wirrpanda Foundation’s Plan Today for Tomorrow program (P242).

Driven by the Australian Institute of Management (AIM) and supported by Bunnings and the Nyoongar Sports Association, P242 caters for indigenous males and females between the ages of 16 and 20 and is based on four interwoven themes: job readiness skills; personal, cultural and team development; health and lifestyle; and Bunnings specific sessions focused on safety and customer service.

General manager of the David Wirrpanda Foundation, Lisa Cunningham is delighted with the success of the program.

“It is a fantastic initiative that provides these kids with opportunities they would not have otherwise been given," Cunningham explains. 

"The program has culminated in them learning skills about work, communication skills and then actually putting these skills into place and being offered a position at Bunnings,” Cunningham explains.

“We’ve done some great team work sessions together and they’ve really bonded as a group. It’s been wonderful watching them develop.”

The successful P242 participants will next week receive a letter of employment from Bunnings, detailing the vacancies available in their chosen fields.

“One of the girls is interested in the business side of things and will be working in the office. Some of the boys will be out the back in distribution. It’s a fantastic opportunity because the position caters to wherever their interests lie.”

The key to the success of P242 rests in West Coast premiership player David Wirrpanda who plays a valuable mentoring role in the process.

“David has been there every day basically,” Cunningham explains. “His role is more informal, but he’s made sure he’s been around each day to catch up and have a chat with all of them. He’s just watched them grow.”