West Coast Eagles’ ruckman Nic Naitanui had his trademark dreads drastically altered at Subiaco Oval on Monday as he joined six of his West Coast teammates as well as four members of the Western Force rugby team to help launch the Cancer Council Western Australia’s Me No Hair campaign.

Naitanui, along with Eagles teammates Beau Waters, Adam Cockie, Brad Ebert, Will Sullivan, Tim Houlihan, and Luke Shuey put their heads together with Force players David Pocock, Richard Stanford, Nic Henderson and Nick Cummins as they let the Maurice Mead hairdressing team loose on their locks.

Naitanui, Waters and Cockie had their hair coloured with blue and gold, while Houlihan, Shuey, Ebert and Sullivan took the braver option as they faced the clippers and watched their hair fall to the floor all in the name of raising awareness for a worthy cause.

After having his hair coloured, the club's Cancer Council player ambassador Beau Waters urged West Coast supporters and fans of all football codes to get on board for Me No Hair and said the campaign carried a greater significance for the club this year, affecting players and staff on a personal level.

“We’ve been deeply affected by the loss of a couple of members of our club. Days like this and raising awareness of this ubiquitous disease is a very crucial part of where we see ourselves in the community.

“I appreciate everybody’s support and look forward to a continued relationship between the Cancer Council WA, the Western Force and the West Coast Eagles,” Beau said.

Cancer Council Western Australia’s Me No Hair encourages people to shave their heads or colour their hair to raise funds for cancer research, education and patient support services.

The event has raised almost $2 million dollars since it started in WA in 1999. The aim for 2010 is to raise $200,000.

Me No Hair runs all year so people can sign up any time to shave their heads or colour their hair. To register go to www.cancerwa.asn.au or call 1300 65 65 85.

Entering into the sixth year, the West Coast Eagles and the Cancer Council have forged a special partnership to reduce the burden of cancer in the Western Australian community.

The club supports many of the Cancer Council’s key fundraising events throughout the year including the ever popular Dig Deep fundraiser and annual Dig Deep Match Day, which has so far raised more than $500,000 for the charity.