Why did you want to become involved with Shanghai Eagles?
I wanted to spend some more energy and have something cool to tell my friends… Brodie introduced me to the Eagles.
What is your relationship like with your Shanghai Eagles teammates?
Eagles treat me as a future star. They are very nice mates but on the field they all get very excited and shout at each other and I have no idea what are they talking about…
How do you support/follow the AFL while you are overseas?
After we play on a Saturday, the team goes back to the pub and watches AFL.
What do your friends/family abroad think of AFL?
AFL is famous enough… they were all surprised when I told them that I am a member of AFL...
Which AFL team do you follow?
The Eagles
If you could recruit one AFL star to play with the Shanghai Eagles who would it be and why?
AFL is still new to me, I'm an Eagles fan…
If you could invite one AFL coach to dinner who would it be?
Emm… Can I get back to you later?
How successful have you been in recruiting locals to participate in AFL?
We have just started to find local players and there is some interest.
Do you see interest in AFL and involvement in Shanghai Eagles growing in the future?
Definitely, actually we need to have more exposure to the cross cultural guys in Shanghai.
What are you expecting for season 2010?
I look forward to playing more games. Personally I want to play a more important role in the team as I learn more about the game.