West Coast legend David Wirrpanda today teamed up with former Dockers player Troy Cook to add their support to this year’s White Ribbon Day which aims to eliminate violence against women.

Together with Essendon’s Jason Johnson and other elite sportsmen, the players will show their commitment to the White Ribbon Day cause by wearing their key opposition’s guernsey, demonstrating that the embarrassment of wearing another team's colours is nothing compared to the embarrassing prevalence of domestic violence in Australia.

“I was just saying to Cooky before, it’s a bit awkward, it kind of takes us out of our own comfort zone, but the domestic violence cause is a massive problem that needs to be addressed,” said Wirrpanda.

“Troy and I are very keen to get behind it because we’ve seen issues ourselves growing up as young kids.”

Contributing to the Australia-wide campaign, Wirrpanda wears Cook’s guernsey and vice-versa with the aim of showing their supporters how serious the problem of violence against women really is and to draw attention to the shocking statistics of violence against women in Australia where almost half of all women will be victims of physical or sexual abuse in their lifetime.

“It’s alarming to see the stats; that so many women have experienced domestic violence is a scary thought. This is a great opportunity to get behind this cause and support it and make sure that we can turn those stats around.

“To see it first hand a lot breaks your heart and I would encourage people that do commit violence against women to think about what they’re doing and to change their ways.”

For more information or to purchase white ribbons, please visit http://www.whiteribbonday.org.au/.