The West Coast Eagles is proud to recognise the contribution of Indigenous Australians to the AFL competition by celebrating Indigenous Round with a dedicated match in round nine against the Western Bulldogs.
As the club acknowledges past and present Indigenous West Coast Eagles players, this match presents a unique opportunity to promote the David Wirrpanda Foundation, a charity formed by past Indigenous club great David Wirrpanda which aims to enrich the lives of young people in the Indigenous community.

Click here or on the screen above to watch David Wirrpanda Foundation mentors Dale Kickett, Troy Cook and David Wirrpanda talk to the Marngrook Footy Show last week.
Supported by BHP Billiton, the themed match will showcase the invaluable work of the foundation in supporting WA’s Indigenous youth, as well as raise funds to enable this work to continue.
Limited edition David Wirrpanda Foundation footballs and caps will be exclusively available around the ground before the Bulldogs match and from the West Coast Eagles Team Store, and the club urges all fans to support this worthy cause by purchasing these items or donating to the tin-shakers who will include volunteers from BHP Billiton.
Other activities organised for this match include a pre-game welcome to country performed by West Coast’s Indigenous liaison officer Phil Narkle who will be flanked by current and past West Coast Eagles Indigenous players. These players will then form a guard of honour as the team runs out onto the ground.
The Barlett Brothers will perform pre-game, together with didgeridoo players who will be stationed outside the stadium’s four major gates. Fans will also have access to free Indigenous face-painting before the game.
In addition, the centre circle of Patersons Stadium will be painted in the colours of the Indigenous flag and the West Coast Eagles will run through a banner dedicated to the celebration of Indigenous Round. Interviews with past Indigenous West Coast Eagles players will feature on the big screens at half-time.
West Coast is delighted to have Principal Community Partner BHP Billiton on board as match day sponsor for this culturally significant game. BHP Billiton has generously offered to double the amount raised by their staff volunteers on the day as part of their “Matched Giving” program.

For further information regarding the David Wirrpanda Foundation, please visit their website: