Name and Nickname: Lauren Gauci AKA "Guac".

What’s one word to describe you? As someone who couldn’t describe anything with one word.

How did you become an Eagle? Picked up in the 2020 draft after playing SANFL with the North Adelaide Roosters.

Favourite NEW teammate so far? So hard because they are all such great additions to the team! If I HAD to pick my new locker buddy Benno (Emily Bennett) absolutely cracks me up and I’m looking forward to having her join us down back!

What is your favourite game day song? Shake it by Metro Station.

What is your favourite thing to eat the night before or the day of a match? Not too picky just as long as its full of carbs!

Do you have any game day superstitions and if so, what? Not so much of a superstition, but straightening my hair the night before is becoming a bit of a tradition.

Personal goal for 2022? To work on my footy smarts and confidence as a player.

Who was your favourite player as a kid? Scotty Lucas (not sure why, but he got me so excited to watch and play)!

What player has had the biggest influence on your career? Baz AKA Chantella Perera. Getting to know her as a person as well as an athlete last season has really given me someone to look up to when it comes to so much, but her class and composure are just a couple of things I admire and would be how I’d like to be thought of one day.

What’s your favourite sport that isnt AFL? Would have to be tennis to watch and play.

What is your favourite football memory so far? Getting our first big win over another team was such a great feeling, so round 7 Geelong, 2021 (a taste of what’s to come of course)!

If you could be another player for a week, who would it be? Either of the Kelly sisters - I’d love to feel what it was like to run as fast as them! Plus I’d get to have a cool Irish accent.

If you could attend any sporting event in the world, what would it be? Hands down the Olympics, but I would probably be in tears the whole time.

Favourite off-season hobby? Torn between brunching and going the beach with my mates (if either of those count as a hobby)!

If they were going to make a movie based on your life, who would play you? Mila Kunis or whoever can manage a large script lol!

Name three famous people you’d invite over for dinner? Tom Hanks, Emma Stone and Taylor Swift.

What would you name your boat if you had one? Don’t leave me with her!! ^^

What’s your favourite Perth café or restaurant? Gotta be Duck Duck Bruce! Firstly for the food and secondly for the punny menu.

Tomato sauce in the fridge, yes or no? Yes (like it says to on the bottle…)