The West Coast Eagles will look to extract every possible centimetre of improvement in the next fortnight as they strive to be ready for a round one challenge against North Melbourne.

After losing to Adelaide by 59 points at Mineral Resources Park in their last practice match, the Eagles are under no illusions of the need to improve and fine tune for the start of the 2023 campaign.

They found the Crows far too slick as the visitors controlled the game for long periods in winning 17.9 (111) to 7.10 (52).

With a dominant midfield and several strong avenues to goal up forward, they effectively took a strangle hold on the game from the outset.

Adelaide made a hot start to the contest and controlled the opening stanza.

The ball lived in their forward half and key forwards Taylor Walker and Darcy Fogarty proved a handful, particularly the latter who kicked three goals in a dominant opening term as the Crows surged to a five-goal advantage.

Much of the damage started with ruckman Rory O’Brien who had a decisive victory against emerging Eagles big man Callum Jamieson.

And when the ball hit the deck, the Crows midfield led by Rory Laird and Ben Keays consistently pumped the ball forward.

Had it not been for experienced defender Jeremy McGovern the Eagles would have been in deeper trouble.

The highlight was the performance of the club’s top draft pick from last November, Reuben Ginbey, while Jayden Hunt also provided strong rebound with captain Luke Shuey.

Reuben Ginbey

In the second quarter the Eagles were able to halve more contests with Jamieson pegging back O’Brien and the likes Dom Sheed and Elliot Yeo starting to win some ball at ground level.

The task for Jamieson was onerous with Bailey Williams withdrawing from the game with hamstring awareness in the hours leading up to the contest.

Defender Josh Rotham was brought into the starting line-up playing forward and sharing ruck responsibilities before he left the ground in final term nursing an arm injury.    

Tom Barrass flies for a big mark

Shuey also worked well off half-back before being managed out of the game while key defender Harry Edwards suffered a back spasm in the warm up and played little part.

Despite the heavy loss other positives for the Eagles were that Yeo, Sheed, Oscar Allen and Campbell Chesser all got another competitive hit-out under their belts.

West Coast 1.1 3.4 6.5 7.10 (52)

Adelaide 6.1 8.3 12.6 17.9 (111)

Goals West Coast Eagles: Cripps 2; Allen, Ryan, Rotham, Petruccelle, Yeo. Adelaide: Fogarty, Keays 4; Walker 3; Laird, Berry 2; Pedlar, Rankine. 

Best West Coast Eagles: McGovern, Ginbey, Shuey, Sheed, Hunt, Cripps. Adelaide: Laird, Fogarty, Keays, O’Brien, Hinge, Dawson.