Do you have a question you’ve always wanted to ask a West Coast Eagles player? Here’s your chance!

Each week during the season, star forward Josh Kennedy will set some time aside to sit down and answer your questions.

Whether it’s insight into an upcoming opponent, goss in a teammate, or advice on how to read your potential on-field, the AFL’s busiest footballer will set time aside before each game to answer the top five questions each week.

What are you waiting for? Email and learn something new today.

Here are Josh’s answers to this week’s top five questions.

Hey JK,
Don't know about you, but I'm personally getting sick of commentators constantly analysing your set shot run up routine and how it is bad for juniors to see as it can cause bad habits. Do you feel the same way? I mean ... second on the Coleman leader board, you can't really say it's not working.  Also, On The Couch this week showed you taking shots at goal since 2009 until now and you never used to have the 'stutter' run up yet still kicked beautifully. Was just wondering what may have caused you to develop that style of run up?  BTW - I think getting you out of the Judd trade is probably one of the best things that's happened to the club. Good job and hope you continue to kick bags and win the Coleman Medal this year.

To be honest, I’m not really too fussed. Everyone has an opinion and they’re free to express it. My run up is all about my last three steps, sometimes the stutter before is little and sometimes big, that's something for me to control and work on keeping it a little. But my main focus is my last three steps, that's the key to me being balanced. It may not look it, but it is.

G'day JK,
Was just wondering what Woosha has against playing the young kids? Blayne Wilson has been dominating the WAFL all year but hasn't been able to get a game ahead of old man Adam Selwood, all potential but no performance Ash Smith, or substandard mids like Bradd Dalziell.
Any thoughts?

Woosha definitely doesn't have a thing against young kids in the team, they play a very important role in the depth we have in the side. The team is picked each week on who the coaches believe are the best 22 to beat that opponent that week. Everyone in the team has a role to play and if you don't fit into performing that role for the team against the opposition that week, then you might miss out on selection. It’s great that the boys are killing it in the WAFL. It means that when that opportunity comes to perform their role in the team, they will be ready for it!

Hey JK,
You've been looking good on the field this season, keep up the great form! :) My question is: who would be the worst to sit next to on a flight interstate and why? Let me take a guess... Coxy? ;) haha. All the best against Richmond!!

You got it in one. Coxy definitely!

Hi Josh,
Just want to say, I hope you stay at the top of the Coleman Medal standings!!! What I really wanted to know what does an AFL players’ training schedule look like from week to week?? How much weights vs cardio do you guys do??
Michael, Sydney

We train three days a week, consisting of weights and cardio (training session on-ground). We have a day off as well as a recovery day which is yoga, massage, ice bins. We also have meetings for the team as a whole, as well as personal ones with our coaches based around weights and training times.

G’day JK
I have a few comments regarding goal kicking.
- Don’t ever lose for goal kicking run-up. When you’ve long given up footy it will remain your signature. I reckon I know from the number of short steps whether or not you are going to nail the goal.
- What goes through your head as you line up to kick from a set shot?
- Should forwards be able to nail set shots between the 30 degree arc and what do you reckon is the reason that the Eagles are traditionally bad set shots at goals (and not just this year)?
- Barring injury what’s your prediction for West Coast this year?
John Faulkner

Cheers mate.
- I focus on my last three steps.
- Yes you should and it takes practice, always going through your routine.
- All the way mate!!