In high school Justine played netball and did pro swimming, but when she left she lost her focus and the weight began to pile on. With the help of a personal trainer and the potential HBF Health Fit Fans prize of a trip to the Grand Final, Justine is well on her way to achieving her goal – she’s doing gym sessions three times a week, walking to work once or twice a week and making sensible decisions when it comes to healthy eating too.
“I just realised that I was making the wrong choices,” says Justine. “I love my food and I’m not cutting anything out – but I’ll go for a steak and salad rather than steak and chips nowadays, and try to snack on nuts and fruit instead of cake.”
Justine’s already feeling positive effects. “I work long hours, but the more I’m exercising and eating better, I’m finding I have more energy throughout the day. This means I’m happier in myself, and I think that’s setting a positive example to those around me too.”