Who was your favourite player growing up?

Lachie Neale.

Favourite Band?

I don’t have a favourite band but artist I would say Drake.

Favourite TV Show?


Do you have any hidden talents?

I can juggle.

Who was your most influential role model?

My dad – he’s always watching my games and provides good advice.

What is your favourite US sport?


Favourite global athlete?

Odell Beckham Jr.

What Olympic sport would you compete in?

100m Sprint.

Favourite thing about Perth?

The weather! Coming from Victoria it is amazing.

Who are you most excited to play with?

The first and second year players. We’ve done a fair bit together already so I’m excited to play with them as much as possible.

Favourite holiday destination?

Gold Coast.

What was the best message you received when you got drafted?

I got a phone call from Greg Clark five minutes after I got drafted. To get a call so early on felt very welcoming.